NGA on the BBC – UK surrogacy has quadrupled in the last ten years
The BBC has been running news stories all day today about the growth of UK surrogacy, with parental order statistics showing that the numbers of UK surrogacy cases have quadrupled over the past ten years. NGA and Brilliant Beginnings surrogacy team Sam, Guy and...
Surrogacy for non-biological parents
Can I pursue surrogacy if I have no biological link with my child? Yes. Although some fertility clinics and surrogacy organisations say surrogacy without a biological link is not permitted in the UK, what they actually mean is that it is not possible for you to apply...
Fertility law masterclass from Natalie Gamble
Our director Natalie Gamble was asked to give a class for Global Perspectives at Fertility IQ, an online education series on assisted reproduction around the world. Alongside leading professors, academics and other professionals from 30 different countries, Natalie...