High Court highlights the importance of establishing ‘domicile’ in international surrogacy cases (new NGA leading case)
High Court judge Mrs Justice Theis has granted parental orders for two children born through a gestational surrogacy arrangement in the US. On the surface this is yet another international surrogacy case – one of the many which are seen by the UK High Court every...
NGA at the House of Lords debate on surrogacy law reform
Helen and Natalie were invited to attend a debate in the House of Lords this evening on UK surrogacy law reform, together with other members of the surrogacy community. Led by Baroness Barker, the debate aired some of the current problems experienced by parents,...
UK surrogate vetoes legal parenthood for biological parents despite having no wish to be involved in children’s lives
The High Court has ruled that it cannot award legal parenthood to the biological parents of twins born through a UK surrogacy arrangement, because the surrogate who carried them has refused to give her permission. Under UK law, surrogacy agreements are unenforceable...