Natalie Gamble has written a comment piece for the Guardian about surrogacy law reform, following her interview on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme yesterday. Arguing that the law in the UK need to recognise the reality of payments within UK surrogacy, she says this is...
Surrogacy UK Law
Surrogacy law reform: where are we now? – Article published in the British Infertility Counselling Association journal
We were asked to write an article for the British Infertility Counselling Association's journal about surrogacy law reform, why it's needed and where it's heading now that the Law Commission has started a project to review the law - with proposals awaited. Read the...
Single parent surrogacy reform goes back to Parliament
The draft remedial order which will change the law to allow single parents through surrogacy to apply for parental orders has gone back to Parliament for a second time. When will the law change? It will now be considered by the Parliamentary Committee for its second...
Celebrating 3 years of shared adoption leave and pay for new parents through surrogacy
Since 5 April 2015, UK parents to children born through surrogacy have been entitled to adoption leave and pay. We were thrilled to see the law change in 2015, having campaigned for more than seven years before this for reform (with Natalie writing letters to the...
Single parent surrogacy – the government must heed Parliament’s warning – Article published in Bionews
Natalie has written a comment piece for this week’s Bionews supporting Parliament’s criticism of the government ‘remedial order’ which will enable single parents, like couples, to apply for a parental order if they conceive a child through surrogacy. Although the...
Surrogacy law reform for single parents brings children out of legal limbo – Article published in Bionews
Natalie has, together with our counsel in the case of Re Z Elizabeth Isaacs QC and Adem Muzaffer, written a comment piece for this week’s Bionews explaining the significant of the High Court's ruling in the case, which looks set to change the law for single parents...
NGA quoted in the Independent – Outdated surrogacy laws being overhauled
NGA has been quoted in a long piece in today's Independent about the Law Commission's announcement that it plans to review UK surrogacy law. Highlighting the many problems with the existing laws, and the consensus across surrogacy organisations and MPs that reform is...
Single parent surrogacy – remedial order goes to Parliament
We are thrilled to announce that the government has, this morning, sent a draft remedial order to Parliament to change the law on surrogacy for single parents. If passed, it will enable single mothers and fathers to apply for secure legal status for their families in...
NGA quoted in the Evening Standard – Why surrogate pregnancies are on the rise
The Evening Standard has featured an article about the rise of surrogacy, looking at the options in the UK and overseas and the costs for intended parents. Our director Helen Prosser is quoted extensively throughout the article: According to Helen Prosser, co-owner...
UK law to change for single parents through surrogacy
We are thrilled to announce that UK law will be changed to permit single parents who have children through surrogacy to apply for a parental order. Under the current law, only couples can apply for a parental order to fully secure their parentage after surrogacy. ...