Our published articles on surrogacy
NGA Law publishes surrogacy thought leadership and fertility law articles across multiple legal journals and publications on a regular basis. Browse some of our latest pieces below.

British Medical Journal publishes article on surrogacy from Natalie Gamble and others
Natalie Gamble has co-authored an article on surrogacy which, after an extensive editorial and peer-review process, has been accepted for publication in the prestigious British Medical Journal. The piece was written on invitation from the BMJ and co-authored by...

Comment piece published in Bionews about the Pope’s comments on surrogacy
Natalie, alongside Professor Kirsty Horsey and Professor Emily Jackson, offered a response in support of surrogacy to Pope Francis’ comments on surrogacy in a comment piece posted by BioNews.

Concerning shifts in the shrinking world of global surrogacy – Article published in Bionews
Kelly has written a comment piece in this week’s Bionews about the changing landscape of international surrogacy as a result of the war in Ukraine, the announcement that surrogacy is to be prohibited in Georgia, and the recent scandal involving a clinic in Greece. ...

Natalie and Helen discussed the surrogacy law reform proposals in BioNews
Natalie and Helen discuss how The Law Commissions proposals for UK surrogacy law reform are a positive step forward in some aspects, but overall represent a missed opportunity to make real change and achieve the modernisation the UK needs

International surrogacy and the new HFEA guidance – Article published in Bionews
Natalie has written a comment piece in this week's Bionews about the new updated HFEA guidance on exporting eggs, sperm and embryos for international surrogacy. The change in guidance was the result of work NGA Law and Brilliant Beginnings did to persuade the HFEA...

UK Supreme Court says commercial surrogacy is no longer against UK public policy – Article published in The Review
Natalie and Heidi have written for the latest edition of The Review about an important new Supreme Court decision on surrogacy. The case of Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX [2020] UKSC 14 involved a negligence claim brought by a woman who sought compensation to...

Surrogacy law reform- Article published in Fertility Road
We were asked to write an article for Fertility Road magazine about the Law Commission's surrogacy law reform provisional proposals. Setting out what the proposals say, what we think, we urge any intended parents interested in surrogacy to respond to the...

Do the proposals to reform UK surrogacy law go far enough? – Article published in Bionews
Natalie has written a comment piece for today's Bionews with our response to the Law Commission's surrogacy law reform provisional proposals. Noting some of the positive proposed steps forward, she also highlights where further reform is needed. Read the full article...

Surrogacy isn’t about the money, but the law must change – Comment piece by Natalie published in The Guardian
Natalie Gamble has written a comment piece for the Guardian about surrogacy law reform, following her interview on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme yesterday. Arguing that the law in the UK need to recognise the reality of payments within UK surrogacy, she says this is...

Surrogacy law reform: where are we now? – Article published in the British Infertility Counselling Association journal
We were asked to write an article for the British Infertility Counselling Association's journal about surrogacy law reform, why it's needed and where it's heading now that the Law Commission has started a project to review the law - with proposals awaited. Read the...

First ever UK government guidance on surrogacy – Article published in Family Law
We were asked to write an article for Family Law updating UK family lawyers about the new government guidance for surrogacy which has been published by the Depatment of Health. NGA Law and Brilliant Beginnings were delighted to help write the first ever official...

Single parent surrogacy – the government must heed Parliament’s warning – Article published in Bionews
Natalie has written a comment piece for this week’s Bionews supporting Parliament’s criticism of the government ‘remedial order’ which will enable single parents, like couples, to apply for a parental order if they conceive a child through surrogacy. Although the...
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