HFEA launches mitochondria replacement public consultation – have your say

September 10, 2012
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has this week launched a public consultation on new, IVF-based, techniques designed to avoid mitochondrial disease. UK researchers are working on these new medical techniques that could allow women to avoid passing on genetically inherited mitochondrial diseases to their children. As they involve modification of human embryos or eggs they are at the cutting edge of science and ethics.

The HFEA wants to get your views on the social and ethical impact of making these techniques available to patients. You can take part by visiting the consultation website where you can read about the new techniques and the issues they may raise, and then complete the online questionnaire.

NGA is proud to be supporting this project, with Natalie sitting as a member of the HFEA’s expert oversight group

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