The ugly fallout which results from the lack of a Will was made public earlier this year following the dispute between Prince’s surviving siblings after it was discovered that he did not leave a Will. It is always advisable to make and execute a Will as soon as you...
NGA in the Law Society Gazette on the Law Commission’s surrogacy law reform project
NGA has been interviewed by the Law Society Gazette about the Law Commission's announcement that it plans to review UK surrogacy law, and our leading role in pushing for law reform. The piece says: Identifying surrogacy as an area of law where reform may be required,...
It’s time to review UK surrogacy law – Article published in Family Law
Natalie has written a short article for Family Law about the urgent need for surrogacy law reform, and how we think the law should change. We hope it will encourage UK family lawyers to get on board with our campaign for surrogacy law reform. Read the full article...
High Court rules baby should stay with surrogate after ‘Facebook’ surrogacy arrangement ends in bitter dispute
High Court judge Ms Justice Russell has ruled that a baby boy should remain living with the gestational surrogate who carried him, after a UK surrogacy arrangement went badly wrong. The case is a cautionary tale of the risks for all sides where informal surrogacy...
NGA case reported in the Telegraph – Gay couple who paid surrogate mothers declared legal parents
The decision of the High Court in the leading NGA case of Re A, B and C (2016) has been reported in today's Daily Telegraph. The case involved a gay couple who engaged in three different surrogacy arrangements via a UK surrogacy Facebook group, and misled the family...
Media coverage of the landmark human rights ruling in our single dad surrogacy case
We have had a flurry of media coverage in response to the ruling in our single dad surrogacy case declaring the law incompatible with human rights. The Times (21 May 2016) - Single father wins legal right to bring up surrogate child: "Natalie Gamble, solicitor for the...
Victory in our single dad surrogacy case – President of the High Court Family Division makes declaration of incompatibility
We are thrilled to report victory in our long-running case which has sought to challenge the discrimination against single parents in UK surrogacy law. Sir James Munby, the President of the High Court Family Division, has today made a formal declaration that UK law...
High Court gives guidance for international surrogacy cases, after newborn surrogate twins are left stranded for a year in India
In yet another decision to highlight the deficiencies of UK surrogacy law, the High Court has criticised the handling of an international surrogacy case in which twins born to British parents were left stranded in India for more than a year. The important decision of...
NGA quoted in the Guardian: The kindness of strangers – should surrogates get paid?
The Guardian's Weekend magazine today includes a long feature about surrogacy, thoughtfully covering the challenges of the existing law as well as the experience of parents going through the process in the UK and overseas. As well as featuring six of the landmark...
NGA assists with Big Voice London’s model Law Commission project on surrogacy
The NGA team has been delighted to support a project run by Big Voice London on surrogacy law reform, asking whether the law in the UK needs to be updated. Each year, Big Voice London (a project supported by the UK Supreme Court and Law Commission) runs a model Law...