Surrogacy in India

Numbers talk – NGA Law and statistics on international surrogacy

Numbers talk – NGA Law and statistics on international surrogacy

CAFCASS data reveals the evolving landscape of surrogacy for UK parents, highlighting the popularity of the US as a destination and the ethical considerations involved. With over a decade of insights, NGA Law provides expert guidance on navigating surrogacy both domestically and internationally.

Indian surrogacy for British parents – what’s the law?

Indian surrogacy for British parents – what’s the law?

Following prominent Indian surrogacy stories in the Telegraph and Evening Standard, Natalie was interviewed on BBC Radio this afternoon to explain the law. In the absence of regulation, a commercial surrogacy industry in India has boomed over the last few years, with...

An end to surrogacy in India for UK couples?

An end to surrogacy in India for UK couples?

Surrogacy has hit the headlines again, with India apparently in the process of prohibiting foreign couples engaging in surrogacy there.  With hundreds of UK parents travelling to India for surrogacy each year, this will be a significant blow. Surrogacy laws have...