The High Court has granted an adoption order to British parents through US surrogacy and egg/sperm donation in a new reported NGA Law case
Natalie speaks at Progress Educational Trust event: The fertility landscape for LGBTQ+ communities
Natalie was delighted to join a panel of expert speakers for an event attended by more than 100 people last week to discuss barriers to family building for the LGBTQ+ community.
New academic book – Future Directions in Surrogacy Law
Natalie is delighted to have contributed a chapter for a soon-to-be published book by Bristol University Press, Future Directions in Surrogacy Law.
Natalie Gamble argues the law on parentage should be widened at the Family Justice Council 17th annual debate, chaired by the President of the High Court Family Division
Natalie was delighted to be invited to speak at a Royal Courts of Justice event on 5 December 2004 on the issue of legal parenthood, run by the Family Justice Council and discussing whether it was time for the law on parentage to be widened.
Why is there a shortage of surrogates in the UK? Is UK law to blame?
Surrogacy in the UK is growing, but a shortage of surrogates and outdated laws leave many parents turning abroad. Discover why change is needed to protect surrogates and help more families grow closer to home.
NGA quoted in the Telegraph – The looming war over surrogacy
The Telegraph has quoted NGA in a piece about surrogacy. Interviewing Natalie Gamble, together with surrogate Sarah Jones from Surrogacy UK and anti-surrogacy campaigner Helen Gibson, Miranda Levy for the Telegraph looks at the current debate around surrogacy law reform.
What does Italy’s criminalisation of overseas surrogacy mean for Italian parents living in the UK?
We were saddened to hear the news last week that the Italian Parliament has extended Italy’s criminalisation of surrogacy to cover those going overseas.
Natalie speaks at the AAAA Conference in Chicago on global surrogacy
Natalie was delighted to speak at the international conference of the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys in Chicago.
Surrogacy Warrior podcast: Natalie Gamble speaks to US attorney Kim Surratt
Listen to Natalie chatting with experienced US assisted reproduction attorney Kim Surratt on her ‘Surrogacy Warrior’ podcast.
British Medical Journal publishes article on surrogacy from Natalie Gamble and others
Natalie Gamble has co-authored an article on surrogacy which, after an extensive editorial and peer-review process, has been accepted for publication in the prestigious British Medical Journal. The piece was written on invitation from the BMJ and co-authored by...