Adoption solicitors

Adoption is a court order which makes someone a child’s legal parent. Get help securing parenthood and British nationality from our experienced adoption solicitors who think outside the box.

Adoption lawyers for all families


Our adoption lawyers work with all kinds of families. We use the law creatively to win legal security for children born in different family forms or adopted overseas. Speak to our adoption solicitors to find out how we can advise you.

Please note: We provide adoption law services. We cannot help if you need advice about being matched with a child to adopt, and recommend you seek advice from an adoption agency.

International adoption and recognition of overseas adoptions


If you have adopted a child overseas, you may want to secure British nationality for them or make sure you are legal parents in the UK.

We can advise you and help you navigate the UK legal process, whether that means a court application for adoption or recognition, or applying to the Home Office for British nationality.

Parents through assisted reproduction, and step-parents

Some parents who conceive through surrogacy or donor conception are not automatically recognised as their child’s legal parents, for example those who conceive through surrogacy without a biological connection, and certain parents through sperm donation.

We can help you use adoption law to secure your family’s legal status.

We also routinely work with step-parents who wish to adopt their partner’s children.

Adopting a child already living with you

Legal advice and representation services for adopting a child you have conceived through assisted reproduction or your step-child.

Recognition of overseas adoptions

Legal advice and representation if you have adopted a child while living overseas and wish to have the adoption recognised in the UK.

British nationality and passports

Help securing British nationality for children adopted overseas or born following assisted reproduction.

Specialist wills

Help protecting your family, by securing inheritance and guardianship in case the worst happens.

What our clients say to us…

Such a wonderful outcome and I can’t thank you enough for your work, support and exceptional professionalism. The judge was also impressed which I imagine is a rare event for her 🙂

It honestly feels incredible to have at last drawn a line under X’s adoption journey and know he is now recognised as a full member of our family in the eyes of the law. It was quite emotional for us as X’s legal adoption story has been one battle after another and as the reality of yesterday sinks in it is a relief to know it has finally come to an end.

Many thanks for all your advice earlier this year about our adoption. It was incredibly helpful and we would have been totally lost without it.

You and the team have been amazing at getting this pushed through so quickly and we really are most grateful.

Just wanted to say thank you again for all your help and advice. The judge granted the adoption order this morning. I’m not sure it would’ve happened if it wasn’t for the very thorough witness statement you helped me put together.

Oh my goodness this is amazing news!! Thank you so much. We really appreciate all your help and diligence in this.

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We are here to help however we can.